Something bellows deep below.

The call it rumbles upwards through the earth, through the dirt and decay.

It moves through the floor, into my body, deep inside my chest.

The call it beckons me downward, wills me to the deep.

I stand in my home, my entire body shuddering from the volume of the scream.

The call it needs my blood.

Desperate to please it I press my face into the floorboards.

The call it only grows, my bones soon to shatter underneath the pressure.

I place my teeth against the grain of the wood.

The call it will not be quelled until I can reach it.

My jaw strains against the floor, my canines digging in.

The call it swells in excitement.

Teeth break, blood flows, I join in the screaming.

The call it weeps with joy and begs for more.

I slam my head downward, anything to reach my destiny.

The call it only beckons further.

My nose caves, my gaping jaw flows forth.

The call it deems me weak.

Collapsing, I can only agree.

The call it seeks a better host.

All I can do is cry.

The call it has abandoned me.

So for what was all the pain?
